Tuesday, December 05, 2006


do less with what
do less with what?
do less with what
do less with what
do less
with what
do less
with what
do less with what do less with what do less with what
do less with what do less with what do less with
what do less with what?

do something with less
do something with less?
do less with
do something with
do less with what something with what anything with
less with something with less with
anything with something
less with anything less with what?
with what?
do less with what?
do less with something?
do with what?
do something with anything
with anything less
do anything less with something less
do what less anything

anything something anything what
anything less with what, with what?
what? something do
what with anything
anything something what? anything
anything do less something
do what something
less with

something anything something do what what? do
anything what?
anything less
do something do



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