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about Verb Morphology in Modern Greek
Verb m-ologp a? madern Oraek. By J W ~ ~J CrO~~ ~.I '~D A Y(I.n tcmatiod
jour?lal or ~Lq~ericalinn guistics S:4 . pu%2 ; plblicLr'.iun 24 of thc I n d h
Uniwmity T:mr*.h Ccntcr in An?hmplomt Folkhrr, ~ n dT.i ~niut,ic;..)
Pp. riii, 72. Kmrninpm, I%?.
This iff the mvkon of liouteoudas' hkhigan dissertation, directed by 0. L.
Chantria-Apyilw. ?t k a welmme p%wof rpm~sm l,wi\ in wkch :he r w t h
hae !;mited trus.!f to the cruciirl a d dP.cul! prt of tk. mavho!crr=;. the verb.
The aut'mrts mumt chmr 1) H To~d : two m. voung ,upcnkcm from .4t.)Kn*
~ n dt4c ~lrtfhor' littwlf for%i!~allyh vcm,!rir, Fgypf). m.' znurrrq d c o r n
~ vticle o rtly Icg;iteimn?ep ictilrc of a ?mtcrnpmry ! n n m ; !nit, if n ~rnp'&e
dewription 2t tn include hot4 etmcture sod the rd~ti-ifew ~~uetwiomf itenw an11
pq!?eaq rve mw?h tv m u mto texts .w well, u d l ya vailah!@o nly in mitten
Choptar 2 premntr s clean-cut phndafir: in\-ntozy of phonem~w ith allophones.
dictrihutirm (with clt~~cmn)o,d n l o ~ u hrc ct.ion on t.+ ~ w t/jd/
p:wnem.. K o u t - e d m not di3tiap.h1t vowel cl~*err in his?
:'Onnia~d iphr.hoap; yet. try in+krptt.irqm 11e YOWI* qt~teet( M r'.n~ctw~'p
diphnhonp, 3~ mild awid the ~ c e n tir~wlgr lwity ( l G ) that. '!or AT. k-s~?t. h m
v~rhe... It5e OCCUIJ on tht. fourth von*el fmm the end'. T b u j~kc ldilim/
would tm inttqmted as. /kelAjjtim/.
All merit writem on hlodern Greek phonology qme oo the rowel p h m m ,
but thm ir?: dihsgteement abut mnle of the e n w ~ ~ aIt pas e9 over
art~itmry wjecthnl of /5 d r,/; his ~rplmenth (notah'y thnt of !ow frequency)
are not mnvincing. The principal pmile1113W - thm d [r :?sd t hc phm~mk
or nonphonernic g t l l t , ~of the wclurm jtsl find [ilp.'. >Cirsrn!~l= wwjrnm ~ h o -
nemee /tmd '/, aherpaa Koutaouda~= gads t.h~nla s cli~str?mo f two phoncm
esch. At for !j] md 'g], Hou~wurlssm akes them wpsmte phwmw alw, Uis
%a- t (G S) t.c ceati911y one of rnaqh!o@csl neatnew. Hy mun~iryr!r p h -
nsmic reqwnce 1.e j he would ovoid allonolphic &m twktiorut w h jtr.~: :
j t ' v the t i - ?morp 'lsrne a simple ie/ r s t h r t.hn Act/.
Rut the rrerh~ls !e.lm wp ~!wulyir wvehly cotnplksbd, a'jtnwg the nwny
types of shterne l k t d on pp. 4640. hrt.Stctmr,m, !hc ammen! that ody
mnpdnta!kei comnants terninate iw f o m i~s n ot 9temltg,~ inmal l or moat of
t ki4c mr RW fow;en wad., mtahly hamainpi fmm Thclidq. h'm~tmudrcs
chnmctcrizM, thir wt ion oc tie. lexicon (12 notes 7 and 33) ;rcl con&t?infi of inic-
~!iashlen ouns.* For !he rnornrnt 1d bcm to my own solotlion f, in~prfwt. if.irc )
of thk Irust,f5t.i~p ro',lem, given in nly revian*o f A! imrrtlwtl.4
n. E. X'mtoo, '7)u, ~ y h n ~ m i c i r u t i oofn M odern Grcckp.L inprur iO.Z;%W (lWal).
A. >?irarnhel. %a kngw 4ru~:qt~vt ~.ot!~rm2T1 { h r i ~1, W ).
8 L.~hnworr'a.~m uqually utumcf! to he :I Riatht~nicn lat.~rb, ut 1'JiG only h a wm o*
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