Friday, March 30, 2007

wheres Weisnitz?

his was the trim precision

his the Italian plate of garlic gnocchi

name him Westnitz, a tyrant

over the mountains. Westman.

they can’t hear. your symbol,

your surname, west after crossing Rockford’s waters.

bare your teeth like an Illinois ghetto-dog.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

big as continents

hugeness, the huge span of thought,
as going out in every direction,
popping corks in Greenland
when they want a celebration,
except no one knows, they
heard later, was premature.
but what does critical thought
help, just ‘cause you’re a Confucian,
tipped off doesn’t make
it valuable—why words anymore?

stop thinking.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

what technology can teach us
about Verb Morphology in Modern Greek

Verb m-ologp a? madern Oraek. By J W ~ ~J CrO~~ ~.I '~D A Y(I.n tcmatiod

jour?lal or ~Lq~ericalinn guistics S:4 . pu%2 ; plblicLr'.iun 24 of thc I n d h

Uniwmity T:mr*.h Ccntcr in An?hmplomt Folkhrr, ~ n dT.i ~niut,ic;..)

Pp. riii, 72. Kmrninpm, I%?.

This iff the mvkon of liouteoudas' hkhigan dissertation, directed by 0. L.

Chantria-Apyilw. ?t k a welmme p%wof rpm~sm l,wi\ in wkch :he r w t h

hae !;mited trus.!f to the cruciirl a d dP.cul! prt of tk. mavho!crr=;. the verb.

The aut'mrts mumt chmr 1) H To~d : two m. voung ,upcnkcm from .4t.)Kn*

~ n dt4c ~lrtfhor' littwlf for%i!~allyh vcm,!rir, Fgypf). m.' znurrrq d c o r n

~ vticle o rtly Icg;iteimn?ep ictilrc of a ?mtcrnpmry ! n n m ; !nit, if n ~rnp'&e

dewription 2t tn include hot4 etmcture sod the rd~ti-ifew ~~uetwiomf itenw an11

pq!?eaq rve mw?h tv m u mto texts .w well, u d l ya vailah!@o nly in mitten

Choptar 2 premntr s clean-cut phndafir: in\-ntozy of phonem~w ith allophones.

dictrihutirm (with clt~~cmn)o,d n l o ~ u hrc ct.ion on t.+ ~ w t/jd/

p:wnem.. K o u t - e d m not di3tiap.h1t vowel cl~*err in his?ur fmm those

:'Onnia~d iphr.hoap; yet. try in+krptt.irqm 11e YOWI* qt~teet( M r'.n~ctw~'p

diphnhonp, 3~ mild awid the ~ c e n tir~wlgr lwity ( l G ) that. '!or AT. k-s~?t. h m

v~rhe... It5e OCCUIJ on tht. fourth von*el fmm the end'. T b u j~kc ldilim/

would tm inttqmted as. /kelAjjtim/.

All merit writem on hlodern Greek phonology qme oo the rowel p h m m ,

but thm ir?: dihsgteement abut mnle of the e n w ~ ~ aIt pas e9 over Newton's

art~itmry wjecthnl of /5 d r,/; his ~rplmenth (notah'y thnt of !ow frequency)

are not mnvincing. The principal pmile1113W - thm d [r :?sd t hc phm~mk

or nonphonernic g t l l t , ~of the wclurm jtsl find [ilp.'. >Cirsrn!~l= wwjrnm ~ h o -

nemee /tmd '/, aherpaa Koutaouda~= gads t.h~nla s cli~str?mo f two phoncm

esch. At for !j] md 'g], Hou~wurlssm akes them wpsmte phwmw alw, Uis

%a- t (G S) t.c ceati911y one of rnaqh!o@csl neatnew. Hy mun~iryr!r p h -

nsmic reqwnce 1.e j he would ovoid allonolphic &m twktiorut w h jtr.~: :

j t ' v the t i - ?morp 'lsrne a simple ie/ r s t h r Act/.

Rut the rrerh~ls !e.lm wp ~!wulyir wvehly cotnplksbd, a'jtnwg the nwny

types of shterne l k t d on pp. 4640. hrt.Stctmr,m, !hc ammen! that ody

mnpdnta!kei comnants terninate iw f o m i~s n ot 9temltg,~ inmal l or moat of

t ki4c mr RW fow;en wad., mtahly hamainpi fmm Thclidq. h'm~tmudrcs

chnmctcrizM, thir wt ion oc tie. lexicon (12 notes 7 and 33) ;rcl con&t?infi of inic-

~!iashlen ouns.* For !he rnornrnt 1d bcm to my own solotlion f, in~prfwt. if.irc )

of thk Irust,f5t.i~p ro',lem, given in nly revian*o f A! imrrtlwtl.4

n. E. X'mtoo, '7)u, ~ y h n ~ m i c i r u t i oofn M odern Grcckp.L inprur iO.Z;%W (lWal).

A. >?irarnhel. %a kngw 4ru~:qt~vt ~.ot!~rm2T1 { h r i ~1, W ).

8 L.~hnworr'a.~m uqually utumcf! to he :I Riatht~nicn lat.~rb, ut 1'JiG only h a wm o*

Monday, March 05, 2007

charm/chant against the rapture


where in eyes in fence
in clouds after infestation
where apocryphal where limits
where assertive tides where
speak buttress where over
crowds not knowing where
the words but believing where
because they fear death where
a little torn a little apocrypha


go drop go drop go drop go drop
go drop go drop go drop go

Sons of Man this is vanity
this is ghost of Pagan this
drop go drop go though this
is heretical

this chain loud rasp
of voices drops out of the attic
go to floor to power,
estivate wreckage
go drop buildings it was

fated to drown out
single souls with fertility
of restless death over and
drop go drop on the summit
the height there, there.


all they ever ask you
in a flood is
“can you see your feet?”
