Tuesday, January 09, 2007

got a hangup about the Voice of the Father

     when Boy Mechanics Attack.
what did James Joyce ever do
to you? what did Lyn Hejinian?
I steep my morning tea in
imprecations to Gertrude Stein
with the rising sun, settle every slogan
without confrontation before
dawn. and now the broken
syntax gets shoveled heartlessly
into Lock & Dam #1 downwind
of the Minnesota Department
of Public Works.

what did
river commerce ever do for
poetry? what did feminists?
go out and give one a back-rub.
or at least shake her hand.

or maybe you should wave,
nod head acknowledge
that avant-garde dislocation
is a big enough Wonderland
for everyone to get disenfranchised
inside of. tell me another. shake
the hand of the man whose
thumb you’re under.



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