Sunday, May 07, 2006

The magician must not believe in his own magic

The magician must not believe in his own magic,
or the spells he casts overwhelm him.

Not these beyond endlessness,
out of spells the one -- heaven.

His quest is the pursuit of endlessness,
an eternity or permanence outside him.

A desire to reach the final state,
the perfect state, beyond metaphor and limits.

One object or soul must reside in only one place
at a given time. Massy superabundance in singularity

It takes the mark of several deities simultaneously.
The endlessness of heaven, the beyond shapes the believing magician.

Its object, which marks metaphor -- eternity,
and deities that are forged out of what is, what he is.

The supreme existence is forged slowly, in peering
out the window, away from all these experiments --

The believing magician is shaped by endlessness.
The magician must not believe in the spells that overwhelm him.

November 2005


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